Hand Tracking Example
Code example here
from nkdcv.HandTrackingModule import HandDetector
import cv2
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
detector = HandDetector(detectionCon=0.8, maxHands=2)
while True:
# Get image frame
success, img = cap.read()
# Find the hand and its landmarks
hands, img = detector.findHands(img) # with draw
# hands = detector.findHands(img, draw=False) # without draw
# hands = detector.findHands(img, flipType=False) # flipType=False if the image is reversed
if hands:
# Hand 1
hand1 = hands[0]
lmList1 = hand1["lmList"] # List of 21 Landmark points
bbox1 = hand1["bbox"] # Bounding box info x,y,w,h
centerPoint1 = hand1['center'] # center of the hand cx,cy
handType1 = hand1["type"] # Handtype Left or Right
fingers1 = detector.fingersUp(hand1)
if len(hands) == 2:
# Hand 2
hand2 = hands[1]
lmList2 = hand2["lmList"] # List of 21 Landmark points
bbox2 = hand2["bbox"] # Bounding box info x,y,w,h
centerPoint2 = hand2['center'] # center of the hand cx,cy
handType2 = hand2["type"] # Hand Type "Left" or "Right"
fingers2 = detector.fingersUp(hand2)
# Find Distance between two Landmarks. Could be same hand or different hands
length, info, img = detector.findDistance(lmList1[8], lmList2[8], img) # with draw
# length, info = detector.findDistance(lmList1[8], lmList2[8]) # with draw
# Display
cv2.imshow("Image", img)