# Locale messages syntax

# Structure

Locale Messages syntax below:

// As Flowtype definition, Locale Messages syntax like BNF annotation
type LocaleMessages = { [key: Locale]: LocaleMessageObject };
type LocaleMessageObject = { [key: Path]: LocaleMessage };
type LocaleMessageArray = LocaleMessage[];
type LocaleMessage = string | LocaleMessageObject | LocaleMessageArray;
type Locale = string;
type Path = string;

Based on the above syntax, You can configure the following Locale Messages structure:

  "en": {  // 'en' Locale
    "key1": "this is message1", // basic
    "nested": { // nested
      "message1": "this is nested message1"
    "errors": [ // array
      "this is 0 error code message",
      {  // object in array
        "internal1": "this is internal 1 error message"
      [  // array in array
        "this is nested array error 1"
  "ja": { // 'ja' Locale
    // ...

In the above Locale Messages structure, You can translate using below key paths.

<div id="app">
  <!-- basic -->
  <p>{{ $t('key1') }}</p>
  <!-- nested -->
  <p>{{ $t('nested.message1') }}</p>
  <!-- array -->
  <p>{{ $t('errors[0]') }}</p>
  <!-- object in array -->
  <p>{{ $t('errors[1].internal1') }}</p>
  <!-- array in array -->
  <p>{{ $t('errors[2][0]') }}</p>

Output the following:

<div id="app">
  <!-- basic -->
  <p>this is message1</p>
  <!-- nested -->
  <p>this is nested message1</p>
  <!-- array -->
  <p>this is 0 error code message</p>
  <!-- object in array -->
  <p>this is internal 1 error message</p>
  <!-- array in array -->
  <p>this is nested array error 1</p>

# Linked locale messages

If there's a translation key that will always have the same concrete text as another one you can just link to it. To link to another translation key, all you have to do is to prefix its contents with an @: sign followed by the full name of the translation key including the namespace you want to link to.

Locale messages the below:

const messages = {
  en: {
    message: {
      the_world: 'the world',
      dio: 'DIO:',
      linked: '@:message.dio @:message.the_world !!!!'


<p>{{ $t('message.linked') }}</p>


<p>DIO: the world !!!!</p>

# Formatting linked locale messages

If the language distinguish cases of character, you may need control the case of the linked locale messages. Linked messages can be formatted with modifier @.modifier:key

The below modifiers are available currently.

  • upper: Uppercase all characters in the linked message.
  • lower: Lowercase all characters in the linked message.
  • capitalize: Capitalize the first character in the linked message.

Locale messages the below:

const messages = {
  en: {
    message: {
      homeAddress: 'Home address',
      missingHomeAddress: 'Please provide @.lower:message.homeAddress'
<label>{{ $t('message.homeAddress') }}</label>

<p class="error">{{ $t('message.missingHomeAddress') }}</p>

Output the below:

<label>Home address</label>

<p class="error">Please provide home address</p>

You can add modifiers or overwrite the existing ones passing the modifiers options to the KduI18n constructor.

const i18n = new KduI18n({
  locale: 'en',
  messages: {
    // ...
  modifiers: {
    snakeCase: (str) => str.split(' ').join('-')

# Grouping by brackets

A translation key of linked locale message can also have the form of @:(message.foo.bar.baz) in which the link to another translation key is within brackets ().

This can be useful if the link @:message.something is followed by period ., which otherwise would be part of the link and may not need to be.

Locale messages:

const messages = {
  en: {
    message: {
      dio: 'DIO',
      linked: 'There\'s a reason, you lost, @:(message.dio).'


<p>{{ $t('message.linked') }}</p>


<p>There's a reason, you lost, DIO.</p>